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2024-2025 MAIN EVENTS

Updated calendars with added dates will be available the first week of each month in the emailed newsletter and posted on the website. These dates are subject to change.

Monthly TBD Parent Booster Meetings - Chorus Room

SEPTEMBER 9-23 Performing Arts Department Fundraiser

OCTOBER 26 First Coast Honors Choir Festival - Deermeadows Baptist Church

NOVEMBER 7 Fall Choral Festival - Wolfson High School

NOVEMBER 8-9 Jazz Choir Festival - Jacksonville University


NOVEMBER 16 Jr Thespian One Acts - Pacetti Bay Middle School

DECEMBER 5 7pm Orchestra Winter Concert - MMS Auditorium

DECEMBER 7 Jr Thespian Individual Events - Gamble Rogers Middle School

DECEMBER 9-10 7pm Chorus Winter Concerts - MMS Auditorium

JAN/FEB 30-1 DCPS Honor Choir - Atlantic Coast HS

FEBRUARY 7-8 FVA Solo & Ensemble - DASOTA

MARCH 6-8 FVA Music Performance Assessment - Tocoi Creek High School

MARCH TBD FOA Music Performance Assessment - DASOTA

APRIL 25-26 Honors Orchestra - DASOTA

MAY 1 7pm Orchestra Spring Concert - MMS Auditorium

MAY 5-6 7pm Chorus Spring Concerts- MMS Auditorium

MAY 12-16 Spring Musical - MMS Auditorium

MAY 23 6:30pm Music Department Awards Banquet - Cafeteria

Events may change with notice. The following dates will be scheduled later in the year:

  • End-of-year Music Department Trip

  • Performance to attend as a field trip

  • Additional small performances

  • Additional rehearsals for special events

  • Specific times or locations for events labeled TBA


Please note that every event on the list is not for every class. Please refer to reminder emails and the website. All date reminders will include the class periods or students who are required to attend.

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